'This Is A Place Of Remembrance'
The Silence!
The breeze falls into the wooded silence........... and small creatures listen!
I sit with them in memory.
Remembering those who fell far from home,.. ...........torn and bleeding,
young men far away from that mystery place called Home!
The Night wind falls and the fire burns in this old place..... that whispers........... and tells me that it is............ something
'that is a remembrance', and a small home for weary souls...crying and alone.
I shall choose to be with them now, and forever.
I remain only.... to 'Welcome them Home'!
The finest poem is a heart..brave silent... and alone.
©LJKlaiber November2002
 Death Of A Soldier
Drift off to sleep young soldier
Find a place where death lingers no more
A brook that babbles over polished stones
Butterflies that kiss your nose as you stroll along
Drift off to sleep young soldier
No cares, no pain, no dread of morrow
A noon sun to keep you warm
A sparrow to sing you to sleep.
Drift off to sleep young soldier
Put aside war, death and pain
Pick berries as you linger along the path
Smell the new mown hay of the fields of clover.
Drift off to sleep young soldier
You have earned the rest so tarry no more
Remember your childhood, your parents and friends
Look up to the face of God.
Drift off to sleep young soldier
This will be your last journey
No worries, no cares and love to find
Cross over the mountain and the stream
Drift off to sleep young soldier
For the reward of death will keep you now
Your dreams will find a new meaning
And forever you can rest.
©David R. Alexander November 15, 2002
All Rights Reserved
 War Paint
All Warriors are Green. It gives them some advantage, especially in the jungle, of not being seen as to religion, race or station in life just as a team of brothers; a fighting machine.
Stir together these Sailors, Airmen, Soldiers, Marines who fight for you All Warriors of the Red, White and Blue When it settles ... paint Purple. The color of Majesty, of Royalty of Mourning, fittingly ... the color of the Purple Heart Medal.
©LJB November 2002

For Cal
full Moon in the heavens tonight,
bright, bright as Daylight soft orange glow marks a ring
standing in the shadows No sounds save for crickets and frogs
Dogs at my side, cat in my arms standing , listening , watching a bright streak across the sky another soldiers soul gone home tonight
standing, watching , listening soft breeze across my cheek
looking to the sky, looking to see Across the full Western Moon
a Shadow, a Shadow crosses in front Across the Full Eastern Moon,
a Shadow, a Shadow cross in front In the East the Night Owl on the fly
In the West the Night Eagle on the Fly Spirits in the full moon night sky
Spirits , Spirits of brothers A full moon in the night sky
©smalleagle Nov2002
  Holding Lady Liberty
I noticed her standing two panels down, face uplifted...!
Bright silver hair, ...and tearful. ............somebodys Mother ...perhaps!
I was alone beside the Wall touching memory, ...touching agony in my heart.
She was still there, standing alone, as I started to leave ...and I said,........... "May I help you?"
Her eyes fell as crystal, shattered again, .............and again.
"That is my Son...., There!.... Up there! I cannot reach his name!"
So, I lifted Lady Liberty and she shook in my arms,
...her trembling hands upon his name.
As she thanked me, ...I held her close, just once again.
Then we went our separate ways.
©LJKlaiber Nov2002
For Woody
Some good things came out of a dark place long ago.
Soldiers traded blood for blood and found that all was the very same life....
....and they tried for each other; fought for.........,
and they cried,....fell down and cried, when the other died.
They were Brothers!
That is all that I know.
©LJKlaiber Nov 2002
Ode to Earth
there are bright flowers always laughing somewhere...... blooming despite death and the cold tombs of winter.
in memory of memory we ride the dark horses of the past ...as we remain hiding under the bedsheet of night.
old souls dancing toward memories of youth ....once again.
smiles climbing the quiet cold mountains of the heart.
old weapons..... cleaned , and put away.
Earth turning ...........!
...........away from shadows and toward love within the warmth of a kiss.
love smiling at me ..and saying goodbye.
©LJKlaiber Nov 2002
For My Brother`s Spirit
For Greyeagle
I have stood alone, many nights, counting the Moons, my brother.
Your children flourish together..., and today, triplets were born, ........and such joy is wonderful to behold.
We shall put our arms together again, my brother!
Sleep well my friend! ....till then!
©LJKlaiber Nov202002
Why Did I?
Why did I want it all to end with........us?
Knowing that time is the servant of War.
Why did I pray for peace? ..knowing that I would hear the drums again.
Why do ghosts surround, and call to me?
................from hot winds that blow from so very far away.
Winds that that carry soldier voices ...lost .....so long ago.
Why did I smile as I took their hand? ....and said goodbye today.
Why did I
©LJKlaiber Nov 2002
 God Held My Hand
As a child my parents took me to church
You see for me they didnt have to search.
And when at my grandparents house we all went together.
In rain, snow, heat and all kinds of weather.
Growing up on a farm in rural Kentucky, work was all we knew
Of the outside world we had no clue.
So going to church was a treat just to have somewhere to go
I never much though about the reason and but it certainly wasn`t for show.
As I grew older and things became more and more clear
I became aware of Gods presence and He became more dear.
I knew that my father and mother were always quick to give Him praise
And with a strict hand we kids they did raise.
About the time I turned seventeen, our pastor came around
He had been trying to catch me to help me be heaven bound.
I resisted at first but he started to make more sense
For as he talked to me and presented Gods plan I had no defense.
To accept Jesus as my savior was my only salvation
To reject His gift of eternal life would be condemnation
So accepting Him as my savior was the biggest step in my young life
But slipping away from His grace only brought me turmoil and strife.
A little later as I was about to go to Vietnam
My father told me only one thing, one piece of advice to bring me calm
Son he said, on the night before I was to leave,
When things are bad, remember all you have to do is pray to God and in Him believe.
I shrugged it off, as I was too old to ask God for his guiding hand
Heck I was nineteen years old and I was a man.
During my time in combat the first thing one might learn
Was the only hope any of us had was God and to Him we all would turn.
He held me in the palm of His hand for all those long scary days
And brought me home again and to Him I owe all the praise.
Oh, I have fallen short at every turn
But God has forgiven me and from Him I did learn.
Faith, Love and Forgiveness He freely gives us
And all He asks in return is to love Him as He loves us.
As the Master loves us all in our daily life He is there
So I now bow my head and thank Him with a simple prayer.
©David R. Alexander November 13, 2002
All Rights Reserved
 Untitled ...................dreams!
Across this land ...veterans greet the sunrise and pledge allegiance to another day.
...........a day in freedom and remembrance.
The long road is filled with tears, ...of our Brothers gone, so long ago............!
...never to come home!
..never to touch the women they might have loved,
....just names, Brothers.. disappearing upon a Wall.
Yet, I feel them calling to me........., calling me as I sleep,
ever it is them,....calling me,
....and I welcome them home.
I think I saw too much hatred........................,and death,
long ago.
I was part of it!
part of it all!
.....and I hated that part of war,
©LJKlaiber Nov 2002
 Tarnished Soldier
Dug in a foxhole catching forty winks My pardner that night Keeping the watch Awakened to a hell of a sight Boots all stood around the edge with rifles all pointing down In their eyes could be read If they had been enemy we would both be dead Looked over at him son of a bitch was asleep
Caught up into a firefight when the firing stopped Fella was no where in sight well,I`ll be dammed He was back behind some trees Where the hell were you 'LT., My rifle jammed' Sure, you son of a bitch Lt.Took the said jammed rifle LT,fired it in the air Sounds echoed everywhere No jammed rifle there
Lt.turned to us and said 'Runs like a rabbit again I want him treated as such' We weren`t thrilled too much We looked at each other Was said soldier a brother or an enemy among us We were all knowing then he was unworthy of trust He`d never finish his hitch Went without saying That son of a bitch
©Faye Sizemore November182002
  What The Wind Knows
A cold wind seeks it`s lonely path down the city`s concrete corridors and like a lover coming home creeping snuggles up to a man who sinks farther down against the alley wall in his ragged vest and shivers
The chilly evening is still young but there is not much to stay awake for when you are a street bum The last drop is gone from the bottle Now sleep is the only defense he has against the ever recuring scenes
Memories of combat,another far away fight for life Too much,too much, not far enough down the line He still hears the screams, ,still sees the dying and the ones begging for death,dear Lord,dear Lord VA would take him in, but no, he`s not going through that again
He could go down to the corner and tell another Vietnam story If his tale is interesting enough he can get a swig on their bottle just enough to loosen his tongue some more But lately the dreams of the things he remembers are starting to last longer and are getting stronger so he just hunkers down and looses himself in the wind`s caress
© Faye Sizemore December82002