The Most Precious Gift Of All!
Who but our Savior could?
While nailed to a rough hued cross of wood
Roman soldiers taunted and mocked him with a thorny crown.
His lifes blood flowing down
Born of a virgin and lived to die
With his earthly life our salvation he did buy
For your sins and mine
Without one regret death by design.
The Son of God, our Savior, a King on high
To die, to live again and ascend to the his glory in the sky
So much love he did show
Not one of us will ever know.
While dieing on the cross under a darkened sky
His only thought was on his Father, you and I.
Knowing his fate from the very first
While laboring to carry the cross, no one would give him drink to quench his thirst.
How unworthy are we the children of God
He has paid for our salvation while we deserve the rod.
To die for us what Grace, Charity and Love
To arise again on the third day and ascend to Heaven as on the wings of a dove
Even now so many shun our Lord
We, knowing the price paid by Jesus without reward
The ends times are close and he will come again
To take his children to be with him, and then the suffering for those left will begin.
We must ALL stand before our Lord
And account for everything nothing ignored.
He alone will judge us no lawyer for us will stand
The JUST will be with our Precious Jesus and hold his nail scared hand.
Repent before its too late
Accept the gift of Salvation; no other gift is so great.
Jesus awaits YOUR decision
For no other can, time is short there cannot be indecision.
©David R. Alexander
January 12, 2004