This Is A Place Of Remembrance  One Son
What will you give the auctioneer cried?
For this soldier that has seen many who have died?
Surely he will bring something, while he was standing looking at the floor,
A dollar, a dollar do I hear more?
What will you give for one that has fought so long and hard?
Two dollars? Come on hes surely worth more if just to stand in the yard.
He fought at Ft. William Henry, Valley Forge and again at Charlestown
He will bring at least three dollars come on bid before I bang the gavel down.
Ive got three who will make it four?
He fought on the Canadian Border, the Raisin River, in the 1812 War.
Two dollars fifty cents, is that all for a soldier that fought at the Alamo?
Come on folks someone make it three, its getting late and I must go.
Four dollars, thanks but surely he will bring more,
He was at Ft. Sumter, Gettysburg, Antietam, and Stone River where he barely swam ashore.
Five dollars, five dollars, walk around young man let them see your pace
See the pain and anguish upon this soldiers face?
I have five, who will make it six?
Remember he was in the Argone, Marne, was gassed in Verdun and was very sick.
Six dollars, I have six now seven, who will make it seven, no ifs, ands or butts?
This young man was at Pearl Harbor, Midway, Anzio, and Bastonge where he told the Germans NUTS!
O.K. Now my friends weve lost enough time, let me see you dig a little deeper.
Take another look; see the scars from Pusan, Inchon, and Operation Ripper
See the lesions when he was sprayed with Agent Orange in 62
Come on now, just a little while longer and we will be through.
Seven dollars? Seven dollars is the bid, why he was there at the battle of Dak To,
Ive begged, and cried to get a decent bid, ask him if he still remembers Khe San so very long ago.
Im sure you have all heard of the Battle of Hamburger Hill,
So surely someone will bid a fifty-dollar bill.
Eight dollars, is this all he is worth? Oh, I almost forgot Kuwait,
Sure he was there losing many of a mate.
He made a valiant effort in the war to free Afghanistan,
Why just yesterday he again fought for freedom in Iraq not far from the Sudan.
Ten dollars, ten dollars is the bid, as an little ole lady slips in unnoticed, and unseen.
Ten dollars going once, Ten dollars going twice, is there not one that will bid at least fifteen?
Fifteen Dollars and One Son came a small voice from the back
Fifteen Dollars, did I hear Fifteen dollars and a son from the little lady dresssed in black?
Fifteen dollars and a son is the bid kind sir,
As she slowly crept to the front and the crowd make an uneasy stir.
You see I lost my son, a soldier through and through, fifteen dollars and a son is all I have to give
And I bid that today sir so that many more may live.
She slowly came forward and lay her money down,
Then she slowly turned around.
Taking the soldier by the arm she said lets go home and they walked out the door
The crowd was strangely silent, then stood and let a hardy roar.
One son and fifteen dollars was all she thought she had to give
But the most precious thing that she possessed, was love so that many would live.
The auctioneer was stunned, and so were those assembled
But now they have realized the love of God that she resembled.
©David R. Alexander
April 25, 2003
All Rights Reserved
History cannot be changed
because of us.
Yet we, the military of the 60's,
.in the war called Vietnam,
......changed the future.
We integrated,
and created ,
the first
truly American ,
One that fought all the colors,
side by side.
We spent many tours,
and many years,
suffering together,
and being taunted by the protected
at home.
We proved that blood,
is blood the same.
.......and liberty rose and called our name.
The young of all of us,
go forth today.
They share the same name.
They are All!
©LJKlaiber 4/27/03
 Who Ask?
Who ask that question that is a blade through the heart?
Who dares ask the question that tears us apart?
Who ask a question that all fear to answer?
Who ask the question that kills more than cancer?
Who, who? Who ask the question that every mother knows?
Who ask the question that is louder than the cry of the crow?
Who among you dare to treat the question as if it were to provoke?
Who I say? Who would do such a thing one that makes grown men choke?
Who pleads for an answer from those that has given so much?
Who would be so callus as to ask, knowing all those it will touch?
Who could continue to ask the same question time and again?
Who, who, I ask of you again who could cause so much pain?
It is I that have seen you fight, and die by bullet, stone and knife.
It is I, who dares to ask so much of father, mother, son, daughter, husband and wife.
It is I, who ask, but not without cause. For each time I have asked you have answered the call.
I am your brother, sister, son, daughter, mother, father, child and family all.
Who ask such a question? It is I that held up the flag played the drum and fife.
It is I, your freedom, your liberty, your way of life.
Who ask the question of so many, so many times before, seeing your courage woman and man?
Who dare ask again, for so much? It is I your country, your way of life, your homeland.
Who answers the question, it is each and every soldier, sailor, pilot and marine.
The one that ask the question witnessed more courage than any eye has ever seen.
Who ask the question, one that must ask again, your country to protect?
Who ask is not important? The important thing, is those that answer, those we will not forget.
©David R. Alexander
April 26, 2003
All Rights Reserved
 Love and Death
When life has been dependant on prompt reaction to a stranger's guile, the gentle wisp of a breath mingled with your own in the sanctity and safety of another's arms relegates death, for a few moments, to the status of a mere stranger... and love is momentarily eternal.
©Anthony W. Pahl
28 April 2003
Request To The Author For A Rewrite
History,History... I thought I loved you...
.................until you proved too true
You turned on me, and at me, did hurl
.............horrible atrocities.........
............not belonging in my world
Your horror overpowers your good....
...and if I could change you I would
The Crusaders raped and pillaged ...
...countless countries and villages...
In the name of God...My God! the name of God...
In the new world, many so called witches were burned
for it was thought from Satan their power was earned
They were killed and turned beneath the sod...
...................and it was in the name of God...
The Red man was then cheated.........
............Their laments went unheeded
The solders, who froze their feet
at Valley Forge, shiver still.....
.........Could not God have changed it
had it been his will?..
...Slavery`s cries through the years can still be heard
..................the cries silenced not by chains undone
.................or heroes felled on a battlefield, unsung
Brother against brother in Civil War,.........
....................many never seen anymore....
And then while the country was on the mend
...................the Red man was cheated again
.......Sent out man,woman,and child on a Trail Of Tears
.................The tales still come down through the years
All mother`s sons had to to go fight World War One...
They thought at last peace had come, with victory won
The economy just couldn't take it no more.......
Banks failed and stocks went through the floor
Someone in their wisdom started another war
Crazy man gassing some Jews at a furious pace
......................all in the name of his Master Race
Dear God,I know ...they cried to you...........
......... World War Two........
It filled pages,more than a few
Not many more years down the road
.... there come another load............
Korea was it`s name..........
shiver,............freezing cold,
.. and soldiers dying was it`s game
...............a few years of happy days
... and more horror came....... Asian jungle war
..... and Vietnam was it`s Name
..........God, did you see........
what happened................
... to my brothers and me
It was a bloody war... that for some
........... still....... is not done...........
Just a little peace and than a trek
... of soldiers in the sand..... free a small country
........ from a neighboring dictator`s hand
Peace came again with a job left undone
.....................Victory was still not won.....
......Quiet times and empty rhymes
and back again to Iraq......
..........This time we will not lack.....
God,can I ask you to watch their back...
I do not love you,History, anymore
......unless you will take this chore
........Change yourself, History.....
You are too open,....... too in sight
There will be left no mystery
All has.................... and will come to light
..........Cleanse yourself,History!..............
Change! I beg of you,turn back your pages
...................Take the hate out of the ages
And begin, if you may, and if you are able....... the spot where Cain slew Abel......
(c)Faye Sizemore 4/29/03
When I'm gone will someone see
some of the good that was hidden in me
wrongs that never turned to right
haunting dreams during the night
trying to cope in these current times
have I fallen, to far behind
from war's grasp, never released
seeking this day a moment of peace
hard to focus, spots remain blurred
un-receptive to most political words
Once a proud warrior not afraid to fight
now a proud veteran nearing the light
what am I... just a tiny speck
demanding only a little respect
gave all I had, paid my dues
fighting for some with different views
hoping someday they'll understand
the sacrifices made for this great land
if a name etched on stone, or buried out to sea
Will someone,
Will someone... please... remember me?
©Chuck Preston 512003
 To my former VA shrink.
So you want to delve into my mind
And see what makes me tick
As you sit behind your wooden desk
Chewing on your leaded pencil stick
Did you kill or did you maim?
Do you have any sorrowful regrets?
Do you drink or do nasty drugs?
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Are you divorced, do you move around?
Are you mean to your wife and kids?
Do you feel at loss with reality?
What was it like while you were on the skids?
Do you have night sweats or toss and turn?
Do you wake up with the chills?
Do you search rooftops in parking lots?
Have you any people skills?
Why did you come here, to this VA?
What is it we can do for you?
I'll listen and nod my balding head
Wondering if all I've said is true
At last my eyes meet your spectacled gourd
As you glance up from your golden computer
And in my mind I feel I've had a meeting
With the long dead commie Fuhrer
You've judged me quick and judged me fast
Read all these faults as though from a script
Why don't you pack yourself up in your leather bag?
And book your own watered down guilt trip
I came, I saw, you hemmed and hawed
While I sat there quietly and un-amused
I stood up and walked out for fear of exploding
Cause dear shrink you lit my fuse
You know not of what you speak of
Your jargon is just one long obnoxious cliché
So before I rip your head off and shit down your neck
You have yourself a peachy day
Bub- bye now!
©Richard Preston..5/02/03