'Tis the day before Christmas and all through my mind
is the memory of times and friends left behind.
Through all of the years during my time on this earth
I've seen sadness and gladness, war, strife and rebirth
Many great friends are no longer here
but in my sad heart they will always be near
For I know truly they're with the good Lord above
and at peace in His presence, surrounded by love.
And now that I'm older, (and perhaps wiser by half)
the fruits of those friendships ease the pains in my heart.
Having done the best that I could, I have no regrets
for my life's been a gift from God; truly I'm blessed.
©Anthony W. Pahl
24 December 2003

Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire;
Me and my buddy are up and at it early today, some kind of excitement about the holiday hustle and bustle, with genuine carols being sung in perfect harmony off in the distance. The lights of the city are glowing brightly just before sunrise and there was some hope in the air of a great meal this evening downtown. Should be a fine day under gray skies. Sposed to snow later in the day, a white Christmas in the forecast and alwaysways seems to uplift the spirit this time of year. For most folks anyway.
It's Christmas Eve, and pretty much like any morning in the city, bleak and cold, temperatures hovering around freezing and frigid. No telling what the day will bring, never do these days. Just gonna see what fate has in store and row with the holiday flow. The coffees hot and the fire is warm, Hands feel good wrapped around this Java, the aroma alone would have enough caffeine in it to wake up any self respecting former service man away from home. I'm in no damn hurry to be out scurrying the streets in the maddening Christmas throng. I'll just read yesterdays news and make my way into Bean Town and see what's shaking. Do some window shopping, you know, the normal thing to do around Christmas.
Says here in the paper that there were two more brothers killed in Baghdad at a checkpoint. Just doing their job and whammo, some rag head blows himself up taking these two boys with him to make a statement. Some freaking statement all right, Merry Christmas Momma!
Blackhawk down, Mid air collision of some sort, claims more lives, Car bombings, explosions and death in Israel. Some girl is missing presumed dead, and bunch of young ones half starved to death searching through garbage cans for something to eat, And by looking at their momma and daddy's guts they aint missed a meal. Shit!
The Government is talking about spending eighty-billion bucks to rebuild what we just blew up over in Iraq. I mean, their talking about billions of dollars as though it was cheap as chicken soup. Man what I and half of the poor sumbitches round here wouldn't give for just a hundred bucks to call our own. I don't understand the finances of war or the logic of breaking it to fix it. Some call it high finance strategy on Capitol Hill. I call it a giant cluster fuck and a waste of money. We got folks starving in the streets of America and we can't feed our own, let alone build safe places for them to stay. Makes one want to love the Bureaucrats to death Literally. I don't see anywhere in this paper where they bulldozed down a city building yesterday cause there were squatters living in it trying to keep out of the elements. Old men, some women and children cast out into the mean streets so some slumlord could make a quick killing on a real estate deal. Where's the justice?
This is a joke; some movie star is donating a few million to save the habitat of bullfrogs in the rain forest of East Dip-wad Argentina. Another movie geek is funding another grand sum of money to help out starving actors. What a freaking humanitarian. wonder if he would do it without the publicity? Here's another, two smart assed rich kids who have had a golden spoon shoved up their ass all their lives are living on a farm somewhere in Podunk USA. Making a living off making fun of honest hard working folks who farm for a living. And, we the people are enjoying this immensely. Beats the shit outta me! I guess I just don't have a sense of humor left, specially when it comes to spoiled, over privileged, rich, snot nosed, arrogant twats berating the underrated hard working Farmers of this country.
Damn, it's starting to snow,
It's gonna make it rough getting into Boston now. White Christmas is falling fast and hard upon us. Guess I'll just curl up and grab a few winks and wait the storm out. Christmas Day will get here soon enough and well, my funds are limited anyway. Tired of bumping into the crowds and getting those "you poor bastard" stares and derogatory comments. Best just settle in for one more cold assed December day.
But first before I do I've gotta go shopping for a new home. I hear they just unpacked a lot of freight down by the pier, might be some choice cardboard boxes to choose from. Maybe even a wooden crate or two to keep the home fires burning. All I need now is some Chestnuts and my holiday will be complete.
Here's hoping
Merry Christmas Bro...
©12.23/03 Richard Preston

Night Watch
Sand dunes.. silent for awhile Christmas Eve..far from home We are not spending it alone The squad is all here ..ready in the near midnight hour Two thousand years ago ..give or take a little..so.. not to far from here.. under a blazing eastern Star in a stable with his Mother so dear a Small Stranger drew kings from afar It was a night of peace and promise ..a long time coming we surmise Please let it reign again tonight .. as it did when that star shone Of this sand and this land we tire Hark.. distant sounds of gunfire...
©Faye Sizemore 12/23/03
They come at a fast gallop; relentless as night riding roughshod oer memories best kept out of sight; the noise of the onslaught numbs the power to fight and senses cant fathom whats wrong or whos right.
The pounding of hooves disturbs the sleep of the brave and accompanies all warriors in their charge to the grave; reminding old battlers that the price they have paid means nothing at all when the night mares parade.
The sights and the sounds come ever more near and combined with their screams the onset of fear; no sounds cept the demonic night steeds are clear. For sanitys sake, "I must advance to the rear!" |
©Copyright December 27, 2003 by Anthony W. Pahl

How fantastic that would be? To dream Of childhood fantasy's To awaken Without fear of reprise To a brilliant sunrise And cyan skies, As far as the eyes can see. No frets or regrets, Footloose and fancy free To dance Upon the emerald green Then bask In the pure light of day Relaxing While watching amber wheat fields sway As golden waves, Reminding us of God's grace every day. Succumbing gently To the twilight hours Senses so alive With the sweet fragrance of flowers. God's Technicolor pallet Dripping behind mountain tops far away. His stars imbedded high in the Indigo blue As flickering candles in heaven shining through. Moon rising Slowly over a sparkling sea, With its silvery pathway narrowing to eternity. As we pause to stare in awe, Knowing That this is how God planned this world to be, And His creation, formed in His image, should have been... Cloaked in peace in the essence of Simplicity, withered, by the heart of Eve.
Richard Preston