This is a place of remembrance. . . . . . . .
Dark Moon Rising (1966)
Night comes weeping and wailing as darkness drags the trail toward a village of tears.
........children dragged ...screaming and nailed to a wall .............wailing and weeping, and all destroyed.
Our promise to them not kept.
...................................................................... ......................................................
Silence! tight lipped..., bloodlust and anger.
..stone cold eyes ........ are the blue hatred of the killing.
Night becomes a dark moon rising unto death, and short bursts of fire......, knives, final screams of an enemy falling away toward the prayer of dawn.
...................................................................... .........................................................
Nothing remains of me ..that was ever young.
Something died within.
I move slowly and forever within, by day.
..............far into the valley of souls, hungry for death and the feast of war.
The scars fester, deep and unseen, bleeding, year after year.
...................................................................... .........................................................
Revenge is a long trail of sorrow beneath a dark moon rising within the very tears of the soul.
..............yet I would choose that path again, ...for all the children, Christlike! .......dying upon the cross of Vietnam.
Children, ......crucified!
©CALIBER.....1 5 03 {LJKlaiber}
We will soon need all of our energy to support the efforts of our fine military today.
One of them asked me to condense my thoughts as to why war was necessary. After much struggle and debate within myself, I came up with this,...all I could say.
©CAL {LJKlaiber} 1/6/2003
Do You Know Me?
Do you know me; I`m the wind
The moon, the sun, the rain
Neither foe or friend
I am the mental strain.
Do you know me; I`m the doubt
The memories, the dreams, the pain
Neither enemy or brother
I am the subject and struggle is in vain.
Do you know me; I`m the fear
The sickness, the screams the arcane
Neither the reaper nor a physician
I am your anguish; youre increasing pain.
Do you know me; I`m diabetes
The sores, the missing limbs, the gore
Neither a devil nor your savior
©David Alexander January 6, 2003

In Country... Discoveries
Left Vietnam again today mate
only thirty two years too late
The night is as invisible as ever...
but there are more shadows
The daylight is filtered green now as then..
but the green is grey
Found my youth...
and it was ancient
Found my heroes...
but they are eternal ghosts
Found old friends...
when they were new
Found the future...
with birth pains of the past
Found today... and it is forever
©Anthony W. Pahl
08 January 2003
Long Ago.... Today
Somewhere within a dream there is a bird that remembers me. (drumbeat)
....and within the bird I found a dream of a man facepainted, and gone to war never to return. (drumbeat)
I remember him as I dream away my life in old age. (drumbeat
He watches me as I sleep reminds me when I weep of why he chose to stay . (drumbeat)
...and why we shall be together again ....once again and forever when I die......, (drumbeat)
My youth and I!
©LJKlaiber 1/10/03
Hit Your Knees And Pray
The swords are drawn all across the world ...and darkness owns the dawn.
Stand again my Brothers and salute the young who go forth so very far from home to protect and defend the promise of Liberty!
Stand once more for them....As young and strong as we once were.
Stand! as never before my friends. Stand tall!
May God have mercy upon us, and may freedom ring the grand old bell of liberty again ...and again
©LJKlaiber 1/10/2003
Once again the there are rumors of war, Bugles calling, sound of boots marching
Soldiers are gathering from around this land Marines and Navy and Air Force and Army
All are now answering their countries lastestcall Off by themselves , away from it all
Small bands of Soldiers, Sky Soldiers all They check their ruck and they check their gear
They hear whispers of nights long past They see fleeting shadows where none should be
Places in the distant past , now come to their minds Normandy, Bastonge, Korea ,Laos and Cambodia
Other far away names are now recalled, Viet Nam Names long since gone, Hammer and Anvil
Ferret ,Texas and Maine are some more from the past Idaho and Krait and Viper as well
Phoenix and Delta and Sog are some more, Bright lights and Recondo and Old Blue are still true
They will fall thru the Dark Moonless nights In harms way they will land their job they must do
Fighting soldiers falling from the Sky, Sky Soldiers fighting for you and I
Many will die in those dark unknown skies Leaving behind their children and wives
We give you our men this nation to defend Knowing full well we may never see them again
All that we ask is that you give them their due Small bands of Sky Soldiers dying for me and for You.
©Rebecca SaraAnne Walking Sparrow

Fact Of War
If the soldiers are marching off to war and we at home did not carry on as before would it not cancel out what they are fighting for?
It would not be the same for their efforts would be in vain
©Faye Sizemore 1/11/03
A Piece of Me
I discovered the other day
I had lost something along the way.
A piece of me is missing
A piece for which I have been reminiscing.
Oh its nothing you can see
A part that had but one plea.
Do the best that you can do
Bring as many home as you can with you.
The part seems to have lost its way
For I remember that once with me it did stay.
But it seems that somewhere I know not where
It just fell off and to find it I do not dare.
Maybe it was the first brother that I lost
Or could it have been the eight what a terrible loss.
Just do the best that you can do
Bring as many home as you can with you.
Too many still laying cold in the ground
Some of them already dead when they were found.
A leader, is that what you think?
When you are twenty years old, a lot of things are out of sync.
I honestly did the best I could
No older men found to do the job, maybe they should
This part of me that I seem to have lost
Was those brothers lives, what a horrific cost.
I think I found the missing part
Yes, it a large scar hidden deep in my heart.
For now I see it for what it is
Regret, guilt, fear or dread, gee whiz.
I havent lost that part now I can see
But I sure wish that it was lost and would let me be.
I ask my men, brothers all to forgive
If they respond then maybe I can start to live.
©David R. Alexander
January 12, 2003

Many thanks to Ruby Beloz |

Sign Of The Times
Here I am living in the land of the free, where people fought and some died for me.
I heard of a man who erected a sign for the return Of those lost across the sea.
Troubles he did arouse, for they came to his house, a complaint in the neighboorhood, Said to take it down he should
Said that after February eleven, His sign better be gone for good. Do they not know, grass won`t grow because of shame ,where it stood?
©Faye Sizemore 1/10/03
In support of Robert Seelbach of Franklin,Ohio who errected a tribute sign on his property for POW-MIA`S and has been told by the Zoning Board to take it down
Music Critique of World War III {cont} ...and the very worst of all, finale music had no melody just the screams of the dying the drone of war planes Intermittent machine gunfire sounds of grenades and bombs and those dammed screams just going on and on. . . Absolutely nerve-racking, Can not give good review. . . . .
©Faye Sizemore January112003 

Heavy Boots
They say time is a river and life is it's flow, ....where does it go?
When the boots get heavy, though a heart beats young, ....where does it go?
The branches are filled with quiet birds. The wind...... is no more.
The Sun sets into an old Soldiers dream..., .........the sleep of victory, and then he wakes no more.
Heavy Boots...resting somewhere in the memory ...of War.
1 13 03

<   Stand To
In the silence and the waiting in the hour before the dawn demons and evil spirits, among the mists of fear, take form From grave-like, red mud trenches where home is just a dream Seep the wraiths of unformed terrors and the silent need to scream. The long shadows on the killing fields move with the rising sun And the only reality that is real is the solid reality of the gun Vision acuter and hearing sharper than they have ever been While waiting in silence, all alone, with the silent need to scream. Drenched in sweat and monsoon rains with mouth as dry as death Lungs and throat on fire; reminders to gulp one more living breath Unclean fingers caressing triggers to kill the real and the unseen An ounce of pressure to drive away the silent need to scream. In jungle-rotted combat boots, white corpse-like feet feel naught The gentle touch of the girl back home is given not a thought The sun ascends in the daytime sky; the light seems new and clean. Another dawn and the urge has passed for the silent need to scream. ©Anthony W. Pahl 16 January 2003
Our most hearty Congratulations,Tony!  |