Time sometimes TIME plays cruel tricks on a mind, so I have found out in writing this one. Some names stay fresh in the mind, some faces. Sometimes they vanish cause we hide them so deep. But I remember nonetheless...Forever
Boon . . . . . . Homeward Bound
Got off the Greyhound after thirteen months of war Apprehensive as hell as the driver swung open the door Stepped into the darkness, looked left and then right Walked to the corner of main, stood beneath the street light
My mind couldn't comprehend the silence without war Or forget the buddies I lost in the U.S. Marine Corps I stand here shaking, but their fighting's done There were five fire pissers now I'm the only one
Time has stolen his last name
There was my friend Jack he was the comical one A jokester with the prophylactic stretched over the barrel of his gun He was only in Vietnam for a matter of days I'm sure gonna' miss his lighthearted ways
..Panel 11E - Row 002
Then there was Salvatore he was my squad leader at Lejeune The strong, silent serious type, he was nobody's fool He bought it in " I " Corps early in Nineteen sixty six If any one of us were to make it he's the one I'd have picked
.Panel 07E - Row 121.
Ron the Drummer boy was nineteen and Ohio born A teenager who could sell a hearing aid to a fresh ear of corn But all hell broke loose at a place called Thua Thien And Viet-fucken-Nam had claimed my best friend
.Panel 11E Row 51
Julio was a warrior but he always flashed a smile He never met a stranger he always went the extra mile Then in Quang Tri Province, he vanished one day I went to see him and found a silver bird had flown him away
Now as I stand here beneath the glow of street lights Nothing seems to matter, nothing seems right My heart like a compass is directed towards home Trouble is it's not here it's in a place that's war torn
I grab hold of my sea bag toss it on the next bus Missing the friendships, the ones that I trust I'll continue the journey, there's not much I can say Just gonna' wait for the darkness to carry me away
Sure has been a long trip. Boon
©12/13/2004 Richard D.Preston
The faces are still there Through a vague haze But the names are gone Erased from my mind
Is this from time It's been thirty five years Is this from age I'm getting no younger Oh where are the names
How can I forget Something so important These were boys and men Who gave their all So many years ago
I remember the few Their names, faces and voices That were closest to me To the others I have forgotten Please forgive me
Dennis Vanill ©12/13/03
Nights At Home (for RP)
many are the nights beside dim lights past midnight at home
memory lies awake staring into darkness and long ago
perhaps we live my Brother so that they may remain
..and never ever die
poetry smells of gunpowder in my dreams
i call out as faces flash across the night
...always the names carved upon black granite
the cold wind of autumn ... blurs my vision of brothers lost
to history.
©12/13/03 LJKLAIBER
 Helping Hands
I read my friends anguish with pained heart:
stark words on a monitor screen bleeding living grief,
and search for words of my own to ease the hurting,
to offer some measure of relief.
I wonder why they are so slow in coming,
these words, so laggard in forming when
the glib responses used to be so quickly done.
They rolled so easily off my tongue.
Its as if such eloquent pain mutes
and shames my response by the depth of its
intensity. Its genuineness demands an
equally honest passion in reply.
This is real pain, palpable sorrow, pure regret;
an almost unbearable desire to alter what
cant be changed, what is forever absolute.
How do I ease this amalgam of emotions
grief, anger, bone deep sorrow, mixed with
just a little shame and an aching, endless feeling
of loss? The need to Just Stop Remembering,
if only for today. What can I say?
And I read on, the words of comfort unformed
in my brain, unable to energize the quiescent fingers
of my hands resting passively on the keyboard.
Helpless, helpless.
©2002 Thurman P. Woodfork
This poem was written as a response to: I hear You Call to Me by Doc Melson.
A Place Within
I follow the river beneath the slanting compass of the Sun
Light dancing within a cold breeze blowing upon my face and leaning upon old knees
I pass the junkyard by the steel bridge
Old and lonely things gathered into piles of memory
'The lonely heart of an oldtime piano
..the sadness of a guitar without strings
....and always I remember brave young men
Their faces following me home
gathering within again
I hear them .....dead soldiers whispering in the darkness as i walk toward the warmth of home
The prayer of sleep
caliber/RC ©12/11/03 LJKLAIBER
| A Christmas Visit...(Toombs County)
the blacktop is damn boring! ...Georgia lives on a red dirt road.
the roads are red clay where the good folks live.
all i had was two jars of scuppernong shine.
i still cry sometimes wonderin why Clayton died
why blacktop is boring and why ol Georgia still lives on a red dirt road.
listenin to a Father who crys out in laughter ..and then in tears
for a Son who will never come home.
The Holy
Bright cliffs of youth. Sweetness of rainwater on summer's tongue.
Birds painting autumn's prayer of spring, upon a winter sky.
A cat nursing her young beneath the slanted roof of the falling sun.
Old dogs hunting, on the wooden porch of sleep.
The great Oak that holds a river in it's arms.
Moments of music, ..an old guitar.
Lips of a girl holding ... all a man should die for.
My eyes, finally, weeping for names upon The Wall.
All Holy!
Freedom glowing as a bright lantern beside the road that leads to home.
Holy! the candle. Holy! the window. Holy! the prayer of family.
A Mother's eyes, A fathers tear, as he holds his only child.
Restless are the dreams of the unborn child.
The darkness moves upon a mountain struggling toward light.
Holy life and Holy death, holding hands upon the face of Earth.
...always and always Holy.
....always a rainbow,
floating in the sky of the mind.
lou j klaiber/caliber/RC 12/20/03