This Is A Place Of Remembrance
A Confirmed Kill
The dream comes back From a far away place Another time in my life Oh so long ago
The small shadowy figure That comes into the street No one should be out At this hour of night
A flash of light The swoosh of a rocket Into our compound it comes With such an explosion
As shots are fired The figure falls to the ground The street is so quiet With no one around
Up to this enemy I approach with caution Only to find A fourteen year old girl
©2003 Dennis Vanill
used with permission copyright Dennis Vanill |
First let me apologize for the way some of my writing may come across. I am not a writer and have never been able to put my feelings into words. I am struggling at an attempt to do so. Up until this time my favorite key has had the word Delete on it. The following is something I wrote in Janurary, was going to delete but decided to share here. If it doesn't make any sense maybe my web page on it will make more at:
Christmas Day 2002
On this Christmas Day No tree, no presents No fancy dinner For family and friends
A journey is planned Through snow and ice Slowly mile after mile With such determination And a sense of urgency
In eight hours time The destination is reached Many a visit here for me This is the quietest It has ever been
As I walk the path From panel to panel Reaching out and touching Those closest to me These are my Brothers
My Christmas wish That can never come true Is that you were here with me Not listed on these panels called The Wall
To all my Brothers and Sisters YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN
©01/03 Dennis Vanill
 Causalty Of Agent Orange
When I was a child I had friends. As friends do, friends came and went. Some of these friends I still know today, as friends.
Later on, after childhood friends, after school friends, I made a friend. This friend became a close friend. Just as rebellious, just as crazy, just as wild as me.
I have many I refer to as my Brother, Brothers who have served and know the agonies of war. This was not to just be a life long friend, not just a Brother, but a true Brother.
To you my friend, my Brother. We shared the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. I miss you my Brother, until we meet again.
Dennis Vanill