A Young Soldier`s Vision...No Defeat
All day long and into the waning night, the young soldier became weary of the fight Still the enemies attacked as did a hungry hound There was smoke and fires and dying all around Many of his buddies had now gone down They were steadily,steadily losing ground Out of men,out of ammo,not to mention hope Out of everything, Lord,but prayer, .......................... that was no joke
The young soldier prayed as never before 'Jesus, help us out of this place, so poor I don`t want to die at just nineteen, but I see no other end to this scene' The young soldier thought that he did see, through the smoke and enemy fire, the form of another soldier begin to transpire He watched this soldier come across the battlefield In the midst of fierce fighting, this man did not yeild
He still could not see the soldiers face, but then, like lightening, then,he knew. This was his answer of faith, so true 'Welcome ,Lord Jesus',he quickly said, 'I have been praying for help from you' This,' soldier like', Jesus of the battle field, walked straight to him and did not yield as in a hail of fire, the soldier did go down He lay wounded,bleeding on the ground
The soldier was afraid to open his eyes, ` lest the new found friend be gone. and he would again find himself alone He heard these words, whispered, ........................... like promises anew, 'Be not afraid,for I will go home with you, and you know in your heart, it is true, for if it may be,that your soul has been set free, then,my friend,I will take you home with me'
©Faye Sizemore 6/10/03
This Is My World
This is my world and welcome in
Its always nice to see a friend.
Even if its in a dream.
Friends from so long ago visit while I sleep
Into my dreams they tend to creep.
Faces from the past.
Friends that have been dead for such a long while
Now at night they visit me and smile
Welcome to my world.
Men that came to be my brothers,
Friends like no others.
Still they visit me at night in my world.
At night while I dream
They say "its O.K." it seems.
Their presents leave me with memories of the past.
Ive made friends in the time since
But none that can fill the loss so intense.
Welcome to my world.
For every one that died there in that place
Hundreds more took up their race
That means more to visit me in my world.
So if you have the time or the urge
And if you think within my dreams you can merge
Welcome to my world.
So many last night I did see,
Standing in heaven waiting for me.
All were there to Welcome Me To Their World.
©David R. Alexander
June 11, 2003
All Rights Reserved
Thanks Gal!
You were always patient.
.....quiet and smiling within that new world of us.
Ohh! how I loved your arms around me always....and only here.
........and in this home you have given me.
I can live with the death and the War,
.........the hatred I felt when children and villages were savaged and torn.
Hanging in death, within the bloody forever of history.
I was made of steel ...then!
.........but now the rust and tears of old age have made me human again.
The deadly weapon that remains within my eyes is placed on 'safe'!
Here with you, the scars continue to heal.
Love is what I feel.
You Diane, my very love.
.......are real.
Caliber ©Jun 12 03 LJKlaiber
 Dare to Dream?
Humping in the toolies while my mind drifts into reverse, Thinkin' bout the past couple of star lit nights. This jungle is treacherously beautiful at times. Moon dancin' through the canopy as the stars peek through the thick leaves. Takes ya back to a more peaceful time and place. Problem is drifting off in this state of mind can get a person killed. Tryin' to keep focused is a real pisser out here in the big green. Subconsciously scanning the tree tops while wiping sweat from your eyes can take the romanticism right out of ya. The razor grass has its own way of sucking the strength outta ya. Least it lets ya know your still alive cause you bleed from little strips, gotta be thankful for the little things eh'. Skeeters buzzing, inhaling dust ,this pack feels like a hundred pounds of canvas on my back. My M14 slung barrel down over my shoulder hangs horizontally resting in my hands ready for action, while this piss pot on my head cooks my brain from the inside out. Friggin romantic all right a real love story going on here. What would we have if we couldn't dream? Complain about the damp cool jungle at night and then moan about the heat of the sun during the day. No happy medium, all we got is the dreams of yesterday and the hope of tomorrow. Right now drags on endlessly and it doesn't matter. This second does cause I'm still breathing and walking the bush. Two seconds from now ain't guaranteed and we know this to be true, cause we have seen how quick eternity began for some of us.Wonder what they were dreamin bout when time stopped for em'.
Gotta live somehow and we gotta survive even if it's in a semi focused state of mind. Thinkin' bout that centerfold in Playboy beats the hell outta dwelling on the ambush last night, or lifting them body bags into the chopper this mornin'. Had friends last night and today they are gone. Like I said this jungle is treacherously beautiful at night. The stars ain't all that light up the sky. But that's life in the boonies. If ya don't book a trip once in awhile in the shadows of your mind you'll lose control big time. Everybody here's got the thousand yard today, stepping light and living right somewhere stateside. Tryin' to forget. Going through the motions while tryin' to bury the emotions of war. Last night I was livin' in hotel hole while staring up at that orange Vietnam moon when stars turned into tracer rounds ripping our position to shreds. Charley was busy with war while we were booking flights to Disneyland. Paid the price to One-Way-Ville with tickets soaked in blood and steel rattling in the Platoon sergeants hand. Note to self, I gotta book shorter trips. Question was " What would we have if we couldn't dream?" Perhaps the lives of those who bought it last night under the darkness of the canopy. Death does not enhance itself in the golden glow of Vietnam Moonlight. Today I hump the toolies and I'll try to forget. But tonight! tonight I won't be buyin' any dream tickets to the World. Tonight I will be tryin' to punch a few Cong tickets of my ownDestination, Deceased-Ville North Vietnam.
Live and learn, Learn and Live.
©Richard Preston 6/13/03
 Café De Hades, A True Account
It's been a long day, my feet are smokin' like a water-boo caught in a napalm strike. Thought we would never dig in for the night. Got to wonder how many clicks we went in circles today. I think we went round that yard village six times at least. Crusty little rascals that's for sure but Charley sure respects em'. Blow guns and spears, Bow and arrows and five foot of mean wrapped in loin cloths would tend to discourage a body from aggravating them. It would be like tryin' to slam-dunk a hornet's nest into your own sleeping bag. Saw the captain bartering with em' a bit earlier, could be we will spend the night encamped around the Ville. I hope so cause we could sleep heavy for a change.
Beauty is most definitely in the eyes of the beholder but the culture ain't real pretty. Don't know how Pappa-sahn can smooch old Mamma-sahn with black teeth and red beetle-nut juice running down her chin. Love is blind and seeing as they don't have mirrors I can understand the attraction, but good Lord I hope they don't invite us all to dinner. The last time I ate with the locals was a few months back, south of Phubai. We were in holes for a spell overlooking rice paddies. Down the road a bit was a river and a small village where a couple of these jarhead geniuses would go to get some local food. Seems they had a favorite Mamma-sahn that would cook for em' in exchange for some C-rats. I was invited to go with em' one afternoon so we four hopped in the jeep and tooled on down to the ville with a case of hot C's bouncing around in the back. I don't know what possessed me to go with em' but I believe it was the temptation of the local Cuisine. The Café de Hut or some bullshit like that. We pulled into the ville and three of us hopped out and headed into the hooch while one Guarded the jeep. With the case of C's slung up on a shoulder we sauntered on in and took a seat on some rickety old straw bench. Mamma-san flashed her toothless smile grabbed the case and within a couple of minutes three bowls of soup were delivered and set down in front of us. Then she graciously bowed and stepped back into the back room. There we sat, three shitheads with steaming hot grayish liquid bowls of a mothers home made soup permeating our nostrils. One of em' said go-ahead newbie, this some good stuff. Mamma didn't raise no fool so I waited for bigmouth to dig in. He did and he didn't choke or nuthin' so I went ahead and started eating. Let me tell ya, this bowl was dee-eeep. Couldn't see much but I was hoping it was chicken, sorta tasted like chicken but then doesn't everthing? Slurping away and grinning like a bunch of rubes at a strip joint we MMmm'd good and gulped this delicious gray concoction down. All was fine til I got down to the bottom of this endless supply of soup. I stuck my spoon down to the bottom and drug up a piece of chicken all right, the only problem was it was a head, eyeballs beak and everything staring at me from the center of my spoon. I thought to myself, Naw tell me it aint so. So I dug in again and hoisted up the head but this time it had a claw stuck in it's eyeball. Shit yeah, I am seeing what I am eating and now I must run. I hit the door and dinner was served to the shitbird guarding the jeep. Needless to say it wasn't pretty. Put a whole new meaning to phrase spit shined boots.
Three days later after spewing out beaks and eyeballs, shining the shitter and pulling splinters out of my spark shooting ass I started to remember my own name. Threes company and we became very close during this barrage of dysentery we shared. No Vietcong in their right mind would have come within two hundred yards of our odor wreaking position , hell for all they knew we went and poisoned ourselves at mamma-sons Café de Hades. Or it could have sounded as though we had one hell of a load of heavy ordinance going off for thirty-six hours. In my fevered state I can remember looking over at the connoisseur of Asian dining and between shivers saying I-I-I-I M m m G g g GONNNA F f f FRAG Y y YURRR AAAASSSSSSS! But then I thought I would be doing him a favor so I let em' suffer along with the rest us.
Experience is knowledge.
We will encamp round the Yard Village tonight. Sleep we may even if it's with one eye open. Charley won't be by to pay us a visit, we can be rest assured of that. These Yards scare the hell outta me and their reputation for dealing with the VC precedes them. I think they boil em' and eat em'.Funny thing though, Looks like the chief took a liking to the Captain. Invited em' to dinner so it seems. Maybe we will be here a bit longer than we expected. How's about a bowl of Dai wee stew. Feel like huggin' the old Yard chieftain, yes-sir-ree- bob!!!
©Richard Preston 6/14/03