The frost sparkled upon the steel bridge rails the clatter of trains overhead, their steam whistles wailed while deep in the shadows beneath the concrete forms men live in cardboard boxes trying to keep warm
The snow is falling, a hard chill in the air coffee is brewing the aroma drifts through the air a fire in the open, they gather around the flames; their own country has forgotten their names
Christmas is nearing, cities full of bright lights Red and Green colors bring back memories alright But not of joy, nor peace on this earth, Nor of the Christ child, nor the night of His birth
Red flares of a hot zone, Green flares safe to land the bright lights of tracers ripping the bodies of man their sleigh was a chopper, no reindeer in sight rags held them together til the end of their flight
No one sang carols, no one rang bells no presents to unwrap, no sweet stories to tell Their only gift, was to fight another day Santa never showed up, it was far out of the way
The crackling of the fire, brings their thoughts back home they sip their coffee outside their cardboard homes soon they will sleep beneath todays front page news to some they have disappeared without a trace or a clue
Theres a purple heart pinned to an old veterans chest On another a silver Star holds closed a ragged torn vest Behold, theres a bronze star on the old soldiers coat one hand grips a bottle, the other a suicide note
Decorations of valor beneath the steel rail bridge Survivors of Khe San and Heart Break Ridge The bright lights of the city and all the decorated trees Pale in comparison to these men and, decorations such as these
So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night Think about our Brothers and Sisters who are still in the fight They who live in the shadows of the honor they deserve denied rights by a government they fought to preserve |