New Life
The old man basks in a sunset of gold
His coat so dirty, threadbare and ragged
Eyes dim and dark but so very old
He feels the pain, sharp and jagged
Exploding so quickly from deep in his chest
A sign of peace that God has shown
To let him start his eternal long rest
The darkness of despair is forever gone
And lifes lonely end has finally come
But for these aged men, so tired, and so old
Just like the sunsets, its a blessing in gold
His new coat is clean, with three stripes of red
His eyes are now clear, clever, and bold
Just what happened to turn him away?
From the joy of living, the joy of life
Say, why did he leave and wonder astray?
Was it memories of war, sharp as a knife?
Or a family he loved that went their own way
Hell have his long rest now out of the fray
Only to wake with a conscious so clear
And the voices of old friends he's longing to hear
© 9/25/2003 Ray Holcomb
AKA DaDirtyRat