Welcome to the Poets Tower

In The Poets Tower. . . .
And Prayers
By my friends and myself. .
. .

The Keeper Of Dreams
Your darkest deepest thoughts Be not afraid to give
them to me I am the keeper of the registry My name is Poetry Give me all your dreams The one`s that came true And
the ones which never will I will store them for you The nightmares that steal your night In return, I`ll give to
you rest I can store them from your sight If you remember, you will see You know me,my name is Poetry Give me
your happiness Whisper to me of your loneliness Of your loves that are true And cry to me of the ones lost I shall
always be here Never turning a deaf ear to you Carving your words in stone With strokes straight and true Making
symbols for eternity Never leaving you alone I am never ending Poetry I will be a vessal for your tears I will
be an echo for your laughter I will always be there through the years It is your pen which infuses my veins My name
is Poetry,I will refine your words Uncover the desires you seek to reach In me your thoughts will live forever In
return,I may grace you with peace My name is Poetry
©Faye Sizemore Apr2002

Why Do I cry
A soldier has fallen somewhere A soldier somewhere has given all
It wasn`t my father Nor my brother Not
my nephew or husband But it was someone`s
And I cry because I could have been
that someone
And I cry for that someone that my tears allow me to become
If only it lessened their pain but tears have
no gain
And the way of the ages Seems not to change
Sizemore December302002

So you saw your young men die in battle,
While my children died at home,
Did you see our children like herds of cattle,
Burnt to their very bone?
Did you see the bombs my grandma saw,
While you crouched in your trench?
And how many people rent and raw;
Did you smell the horrid stench?
So now you cry you bold brave men,
Who went away to war,
What did most of you see there then,
That we civilians never saw?
So weep you heroes for your selves,
Cause we cant weep no more. ©Colin F.Jones 1/27/03

Dark Fortune
Are we at this place again where our grief
does begin
Here we stand, all humankind Looking, looking for the
No good omens can we see of the future times that will
Coming war will reign
Is there no dawn, only dusk falling traveling on into
©Faye Sizemore December 31, 2002 |

Be Proud
Let not our sons be sent to do, That which
their fathers failed, As did our God for all to view; To the cross his son was nailed.
Those who wait; avoiding war, Will see the battle fought, Upon
the beaches of their shore, In the Devils furnace caught.
We must stand firm on foreign ground, To keep the foe
at bay, That those at home dont hear the sound, From the battle lines array.
©Colin F. Jones 13 January 2003 |
War Poetry Of Colin F.Jones

Age In A Glance
I am old and leaves are
falling down Brown and fertile like a signature of my life All is coming clockwise and unwound The cold is seeping
ever so slowly ,seeping in Holding back the warmth from the sun again Deliver me ,Spring,come again It will not happen
for winter has set in Days grow shorter and lights dim There are no buds upon the limb but the tree stands sturdy
in the wind Waiting silently for the timely end We do not our own hours keep and if we did ,we would weep Who
could judge the lenghth of rhyme For a visit on this rock sublime Keep on,keep on,it is only for a time The
time is Counted ,not by us But by the God in whom we trust
©Faye Sizemore 1/7/2003

Lost Generation/Litter On The Road To Nowhere
Trumpets of doom did not sound No warning of
what was to abound But seeing with our own eyes they make a litter box of our paradise and then with a groan ..............they
move on ..........just move on
taking no notice of our sighs or the rubble
they leave behind not answering our insistant whys leaving behind our troubled mind ................they move on ...........just
move on
just another stop on their spinning sphere to
them another place is as good as here just passing time before they are gone .........before they move on ........just
move on
Where did they come from these who seek harmony`s
harm are they awaiting the Devils alarm seeking for them with a charm ........before they move on .........just
move on
Lost in their tangles of soiled web precious
time they let slowly ebb nothing to prove they were here no memories will they hold dear ...........they will move
on .......just move on
Epics of wasted lives strewed in a pile faces
in the rubble wear no smile the trash man removes all traces they have run out of places ...........no more moving
on ...........no moving on
©Faye Sizemore January 28 2003

Eternal Flight
Seven will Continue...
ever onward, never
forever, ever onward
©Faye Sizemore

Call To Arms
Eternal soldier,arise,
Harken to the battle cries. Years ago ,dead and gone, seems rest has not been long. Come now and
stand,hear the cry, 'Today again,your brothers may die...'
"I answer,I come ,brothers mine, Returning
through the mists, from an endless journey in time Part of me, timeless, still exists, this ever faithful soul of
Sizemore 2/6/03

Filed Under Regrets
In the Temple of my mind Are those left behind
Why did I
not savor each and every day I thought it was always to be that way
Now some precious ones are gone and without
them I feel so alone
They march in memory`s purple haze seeking a file in this mind`s maze
Fleeting... the
faces come bringing rememberance, each one
Wishing I had spent more time If so,this could be a happier rhyme
of memories filled with regret that are filed under 'Never Forget'
©2/6/03 Faye Sizemore

A thousand and many more; marching
on as to war. What are you crying for? Could one of them yours?
Is it your son they are going send, Will this be
his young lifes end? Is it your daughter who will die? Tell me Mother, why do you cry?
Is that a father whos marching on; Will his fate
be the same as her son? Maybe its someones uncle or brother; Could it be that its a friend or lover?
Look around, look around Before its too late we
may find They have gone with the drums of war Following the marching feet as before
Tell me America, What are you crying for?
©Faye Sizemore September 29, 2002 |

Vietnam Vet will work for food"
He stands at the bottom
Of a freeway exit
Many cars just pass him by
They didn't even notice
Him carrying a sign
That read
"Vietnam Vet will work for food"
"Hungry and Homeless"
"Please help and God Bless you"
I looked at his dirty unshaven face
Wondering what brought this old soldier to this place
Couldn't help but recognize the patch on his sleeve
He worn the sign of a once proud Eagle from the 101
I figured out by his age
That this old soldier once fought in Vietnam
When I looked into his eyes
I could see they were frozen some where in time
His eyes carried the mood
Of a dark and old familiar place
Where soldiers like him died every day
Some soldiers died in the jungle mud
Others still walk a living death
The memories too painful to forget
Only time
Can wash away the sound of the jungle rain
Many years have come and gone by
How did this old soldier get trapped in time
He now stands here carrying a sign
People in their fancy cars just pass him by
Never noticing this old soldier with his sign
I pulled up my car to say hello
He bowed his head
Never letting my see his eyes
I told this old boy
I see you are from the 101
My Dad just like you
Was once in the Airborne
Just then this old soldier raised his face
The hard lines in his face formed a small smile
He knew he was safe
So he talked to me for a while
I gave him ten dollars and thanked he for what he had done
He said "God bless you mam"
You I once fought long ago in Vietnam
I was also Airborne
Just like your old man
But some I he could never forget
All my brothers with headless graves
To mark where they gave their lives
Some how I got stuck in time
My mind never it back
So I stand here carrying a sign
Willing to do what I can
I don't want or need much
I thank you mam for not passing me by
So when you see a Vet standing alone
And carrying a sign that reads
"Vietnam Vet will work for food"
Please don't pass him by
Instead Thank him for what he did
He really wants to be seen
His silence says it all
His eyes bare his soul
What he wants you to know
Is that he was once was a soldier
Who fought in bravely Vietnam
While you were home and safe
In our heartland.
Written By :
©Ruby Alexandra Beloz
My Dad Is A Vet

Warrior Once...Homeless Now
Just an old soldier running from an old war Racing until I can run no more Racing toward
a unknown chore .............Passing time Passing time... until I am no more
I surface to the sun The race is lost and nearly done faint and devoid of fight living in
the dust of twilight .............Passing time Passing time...until I am no more
Living unseen in the shadows forsaking hope of tomorrows A coming of age has found all matters
naught just existing today in the snares of others caught .................Passing time Passing time ...until I am
no more
©Faye Sizemore February92003
Poems By Faye

If Not Peace
All night I prayed for peace until the amber dawn shown on my face Lord, if it is not to
be, then I pray... send us swift victory!
The etheral mists of morn float among the barren trees The cardinals red flashes Are seen
among these Lord,still I pray, If not peace...victory!
Even though full in the sun fears of the night have not run What will be brought this day No
one but the Almighty can say Lord,Lord,still I beg of Thee, send us peace...or swift victory!
©Faye Sizemore 2/10/03

Hesitant Warrior
Trembling has crept in to my bones My young ones I need at home, not placed in a flag
draped box please, no more names on a Wall Who will answer Freedoms Call My young ones are bound to go because
others have decreed it so The peace that we all seek cannot be procured by the meek Pray, do enlist this old hand, who
can do no more but wave the flag of our land This old head does think twice for others must make the sacrifice Would
that I could ,take up the chase instead of sending others in my place... I think tis`so easy to be brave, when it
is on others, war will rave
©Faye Sizemore 2/12/03

No One But Me
Across the fields of grain
Face wet with a springtime rain
Who lives there? No one but me.
Mother and Father working in the fields
The wonderful aroma of one of moms home cooked meals
Who lives there? No one but me.
Crawling through the mud and rain
Army training, but not in vain
Who lives there? No one but me.
Flying across the ocean wide
Wondering if there will be a place to hide
Who lives there? No one but me
Behind a fallen tree bullets all around
Wishing there was a larger hole in the ground
Who lives there? No one but me
Men asking what shall we do?
Knowing some will be dead when this is through
Who lives there? No one but me
What was thought to be a brave front
Giving commands sometimes it would be nice to be a grunt.
Who lives there? No one but me.
Watching young men hurt and dieing
If this doesnt bother me Id be lying
Who lives there? No one but me.
Going home on a jet plane
Mind being held as if by a chain
Who lives there? No one but me.
Lying in bed pretending to be asleep
The horrors and misery into my mind do leap
Who lives there? No one but me.
A tortured mind and restless sleep
Faces of those lost in a jungle so deep
Who lives there? No one but me.
Fighting each day to remember not
A losing battle that cannot be forgot
Who lives there? No one but me.
Sharing memories with those who live the same
Trying to understand no one is to blame
Who lives there? They all do with me.
©David R. Alexander
February 11, 2003
All Rights Reserved

A measure of the worth of a man
is not inscribed by ownership of land or the amount
of riches in his hand It`s measured by the love in his
soul and how he does treat his fellow man
Far above treasures is the tender heart held by one
not afraid to do his part and aid in the steps
of a lesser one for in doing so,thus, his fame is won
©Faye Sizemore 2/16/03

Hark,it is again, the Eleventh hour Do you know where your Children are Could
they be on a ship headed for a foreign land If you could call them back ,wouldn`t it be grand
Are they flying through the skies in a fighter plane, Going on their way to fight
for freedom again This generation has been good at breeding war and,now, on our Children falls the chore
I saw our Sons as they were trudging through the sands carrying our hopes along
with rifles in their hands Hark,it is again, the Eleventh hour Do you know where your Children are
©Faye Sizemore

Random Thoughts
War is going on,
TV shows it all, I try to block the tears, That show how much my fear, Is for all the brave, Who are doing
what they must, Even if it means, a life must be lost.
Im tired of the pain, The tears are forming rivers,
Deep inside my heart, My emotions run a muck. Soon this war will end, Soon they will come home, Some of
them draped in flags, Some barely able to walk.
I know that this is needed, But the pain is just too much,
I try and hide the pain, But the tears like rain drops fall.
Danielle N Calhoun © March 26, 2003
